In Lviv police caught the attacker, who was a member of the credibility of the children, penetrated into the apartment and stole money

attacker reasonably suspected of committing two burglaries. The total amount stolen - about 100 thousand. By Samborskogo city police department in February, received two messages from citizens about uat their apartment robbed. The conducted investigative measures police officers Samborskogo MB, March 3, identified the man involved in the commission of theft. They found 34-year-old resident of the city. "Attacker" worked "as follows: he kept the child, which she returned home and opened the door ECSthey key. Then people figured out whether home grown, and if no one was home, seemed familiar and parents on the pretext that he, for example, you want to keep the child's parents note, went into the apartment and asked him to bring a pen or paper. As long as the child is distracted in search of paper and pen, the attacker obkradav homestion and fled, "- said the head Samborskogo city police department Police Major Basil Cherepuschak. Thus, the 34-year-old suspect robbed two apartments, while seizing money amounting to about 100 thousand. The facts opened criminal proceedings under part 3 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides penalties inyhlyadi imprisonment for a term of three to six years. Pre-trial investigation continues. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by Tatiana Ohrimenko materials, Assistant Chief Samborskogo MB
