Vinnytchina: Consolidated budget plan area is filled with

During the first week of March, the consolidated budget of the region on their own and fixed incomes of the general fund received 38.8 mln., Representing 24.0% of the plan in March (161.5 million .hrn.) on the monthly estimate of local budgets. Including the regional budget received in the last tyzhdeHb 7.8 mln., or 21.3% of the plan in March for monthly list of the regional budget (36.4 mln.). Last week basic grant with education, health care subsidies and subventions for training labor were received. In the last week according to the recorded financial obligations financed expenditures totalfund the consolidated regional budget in the amount of 65.1 mln., which is 9.2% of scheduled appointments for March month (707.8 mln.). In particular, the payment of wages with benefits financed 35.7 million. or 10.8% target per month for utilities and energy - 9,4 mln., or 14.0% of the plan in March, thepayment of social security of the population - 1.6 mln., or 0.8% of the plan in a month. Including financed from the regional budget general fund expenditures (excluding finance intergovernmental transfers) in the amount of 15.3 mln., which is 9.5% of scheduled appointments for March month (161.8 mln.). Of these, the wage bill of chargesfunded 8.6 million. or 8.6% target per month for utilities and energy - 2.6 mln. or 11.0% target for March, on payment of social security of the population - 0.4 million, or 4.1% per month plan. Funded purchase of fuel for the amount of 0.1 mln., Medicine - 0.2 mln. andFood - 0.2 mln. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
