Basil Hominets "aggressor country should automatically be excluded from all international organizations" attended by

Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk office of the OSCE Special in Ukraine - Head of the observer and Andrea Chelino John Tucker. During the meeting with Basil Homintsem the OSCE outlined waspsmain task of the mission - to monitor the situation in all regions of Ukraine regarding safety, compliance with economic, social, human rights and so on. They also noted that the mission is interested in dialogue with all branches of government. It was about the situation with mobilization through decentralization of power. "Definitely, we are decentralization, but not federalizatsith country which imposes intense northern Ukraine aggressor - said Vasily Hominets. - Our way of reform - empowerment of communities, regions and wrong. At the same time, there must be a clear separation of powers between the central and local authorities. Position ternopolyan this - local authorities must choose community. Only eduauthorities need to form the executive branch, the management of which has been appointed until Kyiv. This is nonsense. " Basil Hominets also noted that the Russian aggression in Ukraine showed - a model of security in the world does not meet the requirements of time, and the international community is not ready for a bloody conflict in central Europe. "I am convinced that international organizatsiyi security must fundamentally review the principles of keeping the peace and tranquility - a prompt events in Ukraine. For example, the aggressor country should automatically be excluded from all international communities, and have no right to veto any decision of the absolute most of the civilized world "- said the head regionasnoyi Council. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council
