In Ternopil region Pidvolochysky mobilized men went to military training

According to the schedule of the fourth wave of mobilization, the walls of the district administration was sending military service to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thirteen men Pidvolochyschyny start the day with training and combat zlahodzhent in training centers training ranges. To conduct our defenders came relatives and officials: the head of the district administration R.Beloshytskyy, deputy head of the district council M.Skuybida. First of all, addressing mobilized, head of district administration R.Beloshytskyy wished them strength of spirit, tenacity, withhonor to bear the high title of Defender of the Fatherland warrior and early return to their homes and live healthy. The Holy Fathers blessed those present at the defense of the Fatherland good and sprinkled holy water mobilized recruits. And students presented defenders souvenir charms. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
