In Chernivtsi region rescuers trained caregivers of children's institutions safety rules
to achieve an adequate level of knowledge of the rules of safe behavior of children in emergencies need them systematically Rose ’ yasnyuvalni conversation. Since the basic knowledge in kindergarten children receive from teachers, staff management SDSWith constantly working with teaching staff together to identify methods of Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi work. February 13 rescuers met with teachers in pre-school number 15 and number 32 m. Chernivtsi. Educators recalled the basic rules of behavior in emergency situations manmade, zaktsentuvaly noteDanger unknown and suspicious objects in detail disassembled order evacuation of the institution. Rescuers were given to teachers teaching children brochures, leaflets and brochures with information about safety rules. &Laquo; In conducting Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi we try to work closely with the rescuers to process navchannya children was comprehensive, as many children learned the necessary material, - said the head of the kindergarten 15 Irina Opryshko .- So often they invite us to talk about with the kids and joint meetings with teachers & raquo ;. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: