For five years in prison received two Volynyany for stealing a car and a motorcycle

hustlers would be in jail if within two years commit new offenses. By the next part of Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region to the report of the theft of the car approached a local resident, and a few hours anda similar statement addressed and a resident of the area, who stole a motorcycle. Police conducted a series of search operations and investigations and found that two residents of Vladimir-Volyn region, by agreement, decided to steal a motorcycle, but it vykotyvshy right next door, and could not get it. Not leaving on his criminalas, the attackers entered the yard of another dwelling house and stole a car. Investigation Department Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region started criminal proceedings for an offense under Part. 2, Art. 289 (unlawful appropriation of a vehicle). Criminal Code of Ukraine. Vladimir-VolynCity Court and Volyn region declared guilty and young appointed every five years in prison on probation for a period of two years. Alina Matusevych, Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
