Volyn police quickly set the thieves who stole from the hospital tube

attackers were two friends, one of which already has been convicted of committing crimes selfish. In another part of the District Police Ivanychiv Ukraine in the Volyn region received relationship with the village council that the hospital with unknown persons kidnappedmetal pipes used for space heating. According to this fact initiated criminal proceedings under Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, so the police came to search for intruders. Workers Sector of district police officers quickly found that the theft committed by two local residents - 1987 Bornand 1980 born It should be noted that the junior has got the attention of law enforcement officers for committing crimes selfish. Stolen pipes police seized. A pre-trial investigation, during which will establish the circumstances and motives of the offense. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region (Based Ivanychiv PB)

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/