Zhytomyr: in three districts of the region held a public event "Prevent. Save. Help "
For several years State Emergency Service of Ukraine to attract public attention to issues of civil protection training people the basics of life safety, raising the prestige of the investigation and search operations in reggaeonah areas and conducted Ukrainian public campaign “ Prevent. Save. Help & rdquo ;. With the onset of spring, the number of dangers that threaten the lives and health ’ S people increases significantly. So there is an obligatory information roses ’ yasnyuvalna work among the population and especially students regarding behavior during emergencysituations in everyday life. Since March 10, the territory Baranowski secondary school I-III. 2 city Baranivka held public events « Prevent. Save. Help & raquo ;. The organization of the festival and in the area were involved officials and the media. The event started with a themeystupiv commands wives to children young firefighters. His performance of young fire again warned children from games with fire and as musical miniatures reminded all present rules of life safety. Real treat was the artistic soul of shares. Children enthusiastically answered questions rescuers talked about Safety of ruleschnoyi behavior at home and in the street. The emphasis on carrying rescuers did Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi activities aimed at preventing accidents in identifying unknown substances, explosive ammunition and while in storage pools etc. Competition for the best expert found that children know how to act in case of winesyknennya various emergencies. All the protesters were city ’ yatni souvenirs with symbols DSNS. However, most universal respect for the audience and the obvious admiration aroused rescue equipment, which was presented during the course of the event. Many opportunities were first certified equipment. Employees DSNS told the children whatsuch fire – rescue vehicle, an average of the state, leaving the alarm every two and a half minutes. Also incredible delight children received during conventional fire extinguishing. First firefighters themselves demonstrated their ability to quickly eliminate fire and then being invited audience. Wishing there was plenty. Finnlnym chord was the competition for the best picture on the asphalt on fire theme. Students colored pencils depicting their visions of heroic firefighters work and basic safety of life. Similar events March 10-11 with the participation of experts rescuers District TMO and REM also held in the territory of the village school RomanovRomanov and Malyn secondary school I-III. 4 m. Malin. During the event, praised the firefighters knowledge to adults and children, their effort and training. Rescuers believe that the best result of joint preventive measures will reduce the number of emergencies involving especially children. A received locattion and safe behavior skills needed in the future. In DSNS in Zhytomyr regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/