Volyn: sentenced a young man who "mined" Kivertsivskiy bus station
Kivertsi County Prosecutor's Office supported public prosecution in the criminal proceedings against 18-year-old inhabitant of the village hood that January 16, 2015 " mined " bus station in Kivertsi. Recall that after receiving reports of bomb threats at spetsliNiya « 102 » Kivertsi police department police officers immediately organized a range of operational and preventive measures to ensure law and order and security of citizens in the bus station. A few hours the police along with other services checked the information, conducted inspection of premises stations torhivelnyh institutions and the surrounding area. Meanwhile the work of about ’ objects has been suspended, causing inconvenience to passengers and Sub ’ yektam management. Notice of mining bus turned false. During the day police identified the attacker, who explained his trick that was under Alcoholment ch ’ yaninnya. Currently, the district court verdict Rozhyshche young man who sincerely repent and actively contributed to solving crimes, convicted of knowingly false reports about threats to citizens, destruction of or damage to property. He was sentenced in the form of 3 years in prison with the establishment of the 1st richnohon probation. Note: sanctions under Part 1 of Art. 259 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the commission deliberately wrong message about preparing explosion, arson or other acts that threaten loss of life or other grave consequences, is punished with imprisonment for a term of two to six years. Press service of the regional prosecutor's officeSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/