Ivano-Frankivsk renowned scholar and teacher Bogdan Stuparyka honored annotative board
under the "Ivano-Frankivsk - City of Heroes" opened annotative board Doctor of Education, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of vocational education Stuparyku Bogdan Mihajlovic "Ivano-Frankivsk -City of Heroes "- a program that honors the memory of the founders of Ivano-Frankivsk and the all history. Already 23 annotative plaque on the initiative of deputies of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, telling passers-by visitors and residents of the heroic figures who lived and worked alongside us. March 10, 2015, to mark 75th districtichnytsi of the birth of the outstanding scientist, on the front of his home discovered annotative board Stuparyku Bogdan. Those present at the performances fellow teachers, educators city, friends, and family pets Bogdan Stuparyka mentioned his work, achievements and legacy. Doctor of Education, Professor, Corresponding Member of Sciences of Ukraine, Honoredsecond worker vocational education Bogdan Stuparyk is an example of dedicated hard work and sacrifice his own case. As noted at the opening of Carpathian National University rector Igor Tsependa - Bogdan Stuparyk not only had the highest academic rank - one of the few members of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, it was a manWhich passed all steps that allow a person who chose the teaching profession, to say that "I can teach others." A tireless educator Ukrainian youth Bogdan promoted national idea in numerous documented and undocumented statements. Never took care by bezkulturnist, gray. The most important dutythose who work with youth, professor believed educating people who are able to build and maintain an independent Ukrainian state. Present at the event daughters of the famous scientist thanked all present for honoring the memory of their father. This was reported in Ivano-Frankivsk city councilSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/