Zhytomyr: in Malynschyni under the wheels of the car was killed pedestrian

Tragic accident occurred at night. Behind the wheel of the car, which was under the man was 26-year-old resident of the area. Previously found that the accident occurred after separation by car from the oncoming vehicle. March 9 at about 00:30 Chernyakhiv road - Malin - Termahivka nearbus stop with. Sosnivka, Malyn district, the driver of "Volkswagen Kadi" resident Radomyshlsky District, 1988 born, moving from outside the city. Raspberry towards town. Chernyakhiv, at the junction with the oncoming car hit a pedestrian implemented, a resident of the village. Sosnivka, Malyn District, 1954 Because pedestrian accident from his corporalthese injuries died at the scene. Dear citizens! Analyzing traffic accidents, it should be noted that the vast majority of accidents occur due to carelessness and safety of road users. Therefore, State car reminds one should not neglect their lives and health. It is worthwhile to warn both drivers and pedestrians, uat only traffic enforcement will reduce the number of accidents and traffic accidents. Overall, during the last days of auction staff on motorways region were identified and stopped 84 traffic violations. Arrested 16 drivers for drive vehicles while intoxicated. UDAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/