Zhytomyr region, per day, rescuers eliminated 17 times

fire dead March 9 at 13:08 to the operational and management coordination center DSNS in Zhytomyr region was reported ignition of dry grass in the countryside Hadzynka. To rescue « 101 » reported occasional passersby. Arriving on the scene, lifeguardand found the body of 67-year-old woman lying near the building. On ’ it turned out that the mistress burned dry grass in the garden itself. Because air fire weather over to the neighbors were not home. When you try to self-extinguish the fire broke out clothes for the mistress. In this state, she had to run to the porch, where she later found ryatuvalnyky. Doctors « ambulance » pronounced him dead woman. Due to concerted cooperation firefighters, the fire could localize at 13:44, and finally eliminated at 15:00. The rescuers also prevented fire located near a house. For the past day nadzvychaynykam 16 more times had to render such fires,in which nearly destroyed 63 hectares of dry grass. Rescuers again urge citizens more responsible attitude to kiln-treatment works. When breeding flame ’ I follow the developments and to prevent the uncontrolled spread of fire. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/