Ternopil celebrated 201 anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko

201 anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko noted in Ternopil 9 March. In particular, on this occasion in Ternopil regional Ukrainian Drama Theater. Shevchenko solemn academy "Struggle-overcome." Took part in the action deputy chairman Ternopolskoyi Regional State Administration Leonid Bytsyura. According to him, birthday Shevchenko - a Ukrainian national holiday. "The planet is not so many people associate with his name the whole nation. Ukraine is always associated with Shevchenko. This is clearly visible when traveling around the world, you see thousands of monuments of great genius, "- said Leonid Alexandersiyovych. He also stressed that the Taras Shevchenko was the inspiration Revolution dignity. "Two years ago when we met at his monument, above all wanted to fight the criminal regime which then prevailed in Ukraine - continued the Deputy Head. - The best gift for his next birthday was the liberation of Ukraineand from this regime. And though our enemy territory, but I am sure that the power of honor, truth and prayer warriors who make up our heavenly army, we will win this war. " After the academy officials, clergy and citizens of Ternopil put flowers at the foot of the monument to Taras Shevchenko and commemorated by reading poetry Poet. This isreported in Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/