In the Transcarpathian region Perechin police leadership spilkuvalosya citizens

Recently Perechynsky district police chief Victor ribs visited Dubrynichi village where he had a personal reception of citizens and spoke with the local population. As always, Victor V. met the head of the village council Dubrynytskoyi Love Lavera. Together theydiscussed a number of issues related to work as police officers and local authorities. Lyubov noted that complaints about the work of law enforcement officers from local residents there. Precinct inspectors regularly conduct is established techniques citizens in the week according to the schedule. The population has the necessary information about their leastReef, the days of admission. So when there is a need, people turn to the district for help, knowing that they will listen, advise. In particular, the reception bestowed Love Kozak, a member of a public building, operating under Dubrynytskiy village council. She was interested in the list of documents required in order to become an assistant district inspectorpolice. In passing, V. Love, which has long been a member of a public building and has some experience in this field, has proposed a number of measures to be taken to revitalize the community groups. All questions received during the reception, Victor ribs gave citizens qualified answers. Miroslavand Baker, Perechyn District Police
