In Volyn convicted thief who stole hospital handbags
In another attempt to steal a bag attacker noticed the victim. The next four years he will spend in prison. The pre-trial investigation found: tasty easy money to people going to the maternity ward medical facility in Kivertsi through a window unlocked room pantrySecond stole handbags with money. In addition, the attacker, while in the central district hospital in Rozhysche, entered the room matron surgical unit and stole a purse handbags with money. A thief arrested "on hot" when he tried to steal the children's department of the bag in the patient's hospital. However, the woman diedItil thief and tried to wrest from him the bag. Man rushed to escape, but was arrested concerned citizens. Thief-loser passed into the hands of law enforcement. The police found that "moonlighting" so people long ago. And after serving five years in prison, the man returned to the criminal fishing. Rozhyshche District Court Wallynskoyi area for criminal offenses under ch. 2, ch. 3st. 185 (theft), ch. 2, Art. 186 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine issued a thief verdict: four years in prison. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn regionSource: