In Lutsk large families received food parcels

In the celebration of International Women's Day in Lutsk city center of social services for families, children and youth handed food packages 50 large families who find themselves in difficult circumstances which brought 183 children. The action took place in cooperation with the Volyn Oblastim charity fund "Children's Mission. Ukraine ". Children were toys and t-shirts. Ludmila Lonyuk welcomed all present women with the holiday of spring. Families wished to goodness, harmony, peace and health. Deputy Director of the Centre Vadim Mishchuk thanked VOBF "Children's Mission. Ukraine "with all possible support to the families of concern center. With the wordsthanks to Lyudmila Lonyuk and Lutsk city center of social services for families, children and youth appealed mother of many children Valentine stranger: "From all the participants are mothers want to thank you for your ongoing support and maintenance. You make a good cause concern for our family. " Lutsk city center of social services for families, didren and young people This was reported in Lutsk City Council
