The woman, who dedicated the famous "GUTSULKA Xenu", lives in Chicago

"Gutsulka Ksenia" - the legendary Ukrainian song-tango for years its popularity. Her perespivuvaly tens or even hundreds of times. But few know that it did not sing some fictional Xenu or collective girlish image, and the very real girl, born in Sheshory. Her name - Xenia Burachynska-Danylyshyn. She lives in Chicago. Xenia Burachynska-Danylyshyn. Photo: The most famous in the world Hutsulka told Ukrainian Chicago, had been created immortal hit and why she was with her family overseas. Many Ukrainian generally unaware that the famous « GUTSULKA Ksenia » is the author and find folk songth. But it is not. When the little Ksenia Burachynskiy was 13, her uncle, Roman Sawicki wrote a song for her. It happened at the end of the summer, around the beginning of the 1930s. Ksenia Mom – Irina Burachynska – organized a reception at which ’ yihalos a lot of guests. Then Ksenia uncle and asked to make such a song, so thatHuzulschyna be sung. Created madly love song spontaneously. Newspapers published one after another photo of the same girl with the « GUTSULKA Ksenia » and describe its beauty. It seemed that everyone knew about it. Ksenia very sudden fame, admits, was not thrilled. She learned quite strangers, even if just learned her name ’ I – while it was not widespread. &Laquo; I do not like, I do not want to pay attention to me & raquo ;, – she says. From the beginning of the war the family had to flee Ksenyniy, her brother would be arrested. Details of the flight Ksenia city ’ yataye difficulties, because it took more than 70 years. I remember they had a big house nOsered picturesque mountains, close – river. And all I had to leave, racing first to Slovakia and then to Germany. In the latter country stayed nadovshe – Ksenia even entered the University of Munich, but without fend work was not easy: « Germans were evil to us, but it was not working, – Ksenia recalls. &Ndash; Subsequently, amerykantsi called my husband to her, he was a vet & raquo ;. US went to the ship. Ksenia my mother experienced very difficult journey, a journey almost did not rise from bed. Finally arrived in New York, and has moved from there to Chicago. Told
