Ternopil: Kremenechchyni plan to create a cluster paraplaning

Opportunities for Kremenetskiy in the area in the National Park "Kremenetsky Mountain" paraplaning cluster discussed during the meeting held by the head Kremenetsko District State Administration Vitaliy Tkachuk. The meeting discussed the project is createdparaplaning of the cluster in the National Park "Kremenetsky mountains." His achievements on the matter brought to the attention of the audience member Paragliding Federation of Ukraine Andriy Ravchuk. With suggestions and ideas regarding the implementation of the draft program were representatives of the National Park Department Derzhzemahenstva in Creametskomu area, head Kremenetskogo REM Gregory Hrynyakov, Office of State Administration Svitlana Fedyshena, director of the "Regional Integration and Development Fund" Galina Nagornyuk. Nahazhayemo June 23, 2014 at the International Scientific Conference "Open farms", held at the National Park "Kremenetski Mountain "at the initiative of the Federation of Ukraine paragliding and supported Kremenetsko NGO" Regional Development Fund and Integration "discussed the possibility of paragliding and hang gliding in the National Park" Kremenetsky mountains. " Then made presentations member of the Federation of Ukraine Andriy paraglidingand Ravchuk. The next meeting of the District National Park "Kremenetsky Mountain" and Paragliding Federation of Ukraine took place in November 2014 Falcon Hill, where they discussed issues of cooperation between Ukraine and Paragliding Federation of National Park "Kremenetsky mountain" created in paradromu "Falcon Mountain"; necessary clearance shyLu for safety and legal background carried on clearing activities; the need to dismantle and transfer of power lines underground for safety. All parties agreed to set a time limit of the end of 2014 for the preparation and implementation of the documentary paradromu creating, identifying and fixingits limits. According to Chairman of State Administration Vitaliy Tkachuk to arrange for mountain flying, clear start, make a landing pad, clear the foot is not necessary to make a little effort. "We need to find the money pidhotuvyty appropriate permits - he stated. - However Kremenetskaya by the county administrativetion, the county council, national park "Kremenetsky mountains" interested in the "Kremenetskogo paradromu" and make every effort so that he earned. It would be a joint effort at least - to prepare and open the first official paradrom in Ukraine. And in the best scenario - to create in the National natcorre- park "Kremenetsky Mountain" paraplaning cluster whose territory within 3 - 5 km's been like 5 - 8 starts ordered in all directions and wind paraplaning school for everyone. " Vitaly Tkachuk also noted that in Ukraine there is no official paradromu. Therefore, competitions Ukraine Cup Championship of Ukraine paraglidingFederation forced to spend in other states. "The positive resolution of this issue can not open a new page in the history of Kremenechchyny but also in the history of Ukrainian paragliding in general - the head of district administration. - Note that clearing slopes of self-seeding trees National Park and volunteers of the Federaltion paragliding Ukraine has already begun. " Reference: The first pair of gliding course was organized August 20, 1933 Kremenets glider company. At that time, the balance of the school was only one school glider type "Crow". The following year, the school development took League Military District Air Force Volyn (LOPP) in Lutskin close collaboration with the county District League in Krem'yantsi. It was organized two courses also started the construction of a hangar at 10 gliders, commercial buildings and housing a permanent instructor. The school received the first two new gliders "The Crow", and later two gliders "Seagull" and "mosquito". Surroundings planerodromu - many not forestedat that time, Bald mountain slopes, sharp and Sokillya, characterized by the presence of thermal corridors (hoods), creating excellent opportunities to perform hovering flight. With skilful piloting was possible to lift the aircraft to incredible heights. Volyn Planernaya school at Mount Falcon 3-4 level of accreditation defunctI fall 1939. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/