Ivano-Frankivsk: User Management DSNS in congratulated women on the occasion of Spring!
Eve of International Ji nochoho Day March 8 male rescuers honored preds and vnyts better in half of the lyuds ment, working in the Fire and Rescue Service Carpathian. Happy Spring fairy Ji NOC congratulated on constitutiveik Management DSNS in Vladimir Chernetskyy. Vladimir Putin wished women good health ’ I am the eternal mo Lo Dosti stressed that in our difficult times women are not only Bereginya hearth, but faithful assistant. About Neuve we py Six senses and not on a it p ness of life insih its manifestations reminded those present video. For conscientious performance of official Duty ’ bonds workers of Civil Service Emergency region was awarded departmental certificates. This gorgeous spring day, hopefully, will bring long same ARE in memory ’ memory women and give them inspiration for the whole yearremain feminine and soft in difficult situations. Management DSNS inSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/