In the Rivne Oblast good word works wonders

qualified answer questions and moral support received March 3 citizens sentenced to punishment other than imprisonment, at a meeting with the head of department actively support unemployed Mlyniv District Employment Elena Sakivets. It's no secret that with the assistance of theluzhby employment apply those citizens under certain circumstances, out of work and, in most, not only need support in finding decent work, but the good word. And what about those who, so to speak, stumbled in your life got in the wrong company, committed an evil act was wrong? In no event will such people ought notnot be separated from society! Support, advice and help - that's our problem. Head of active support for the unemployed RTSZ Elena Sakivets visited the district unit Mlyniv Dubno interdistrict department of the correctional inspection of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Rivne region. On it were waiting9 citizens sentenced to punishment other than imprisonment who wish to meet with a specialist and get answers to their questions. At first they behaved with restraint and cautious, perhaps waiting for the condemnation and moralistic tone. And then, in the course of the conversation, realized that specialist did not come to teach and helpand explain. They are interested in: opportunity and procedure of registration at the center employment, unemployment benefits, assistance in finding employment. And most questions arose regarding training, retraining and professional development, as almost all of them or do not have a profession, or their profession is not in demand in the labor market. All were qualifiedanswers and had an opportunity to hear about talc service training, but also view slides of Rivne center of vocational education state employment. Elena Sakivets stressed that every citizen, even if it is not registered at the employment agency has the right to see a specialist at a convenient time and obtainyou need advice and information services. In many cases, well spoken and moral support work wonders. And we - Social Service professionals should never forget about it. This was reported in Rivne city employment center
