March 4, our service has lost three dedicated staff and Ukraine - Sergei Bochkovsky
March 4th Meeting of the Joint Operational Headquarters of the State Commission and the National Assembly Teb chaired by the head of Ukraine Serhiy DSNS Bochkovsky began with a minute of silence. Those present honored city ’ Five three dedicated and Ukrainedination Rescue personnel who lost their lives that day. Another morning in his apartment in the city. Avdiyivka Donetsk region, due to a direct hit by a projectile by the terrorists killed the chief financial service 15th State Fire and Rescue Unit 41-year-old Svetlana Kisilova. The woman had a little daughter, who was left without a mother.And at 10 h. 30 min. to Rescue “ 101 ” Kyiv city received povidomlennyapro fire in Goloseyevsky area on the street Saksahanskoho 38. Six minutes at 10 h. 36 min. arrived on the scene first fire-rescue units DSNS, namely 4 and State Fire and Rescue part. They found that 2-story officebuilding and there was a fire in the roof area of ??400 sq.m. Fires awarded elevated rank “ Fire 2 & rdquo ;. By elimination of fire were involved 87 rescuers and 21 units and special fire-rescue techniques with 13 State Fire and Rescue parts of the capital. The fire was able to localize in 12 hours. 04 min. and finally likviduvatm at 12 h. 11 min. Causes Fire ’ yasovuyutsya. When fighting a fire, performing their required ’ roads, killing two employees of PG DSNS Ukraine in m. Kyiv: 24-year-old Lieutenant Civil Protection, Deputy Head 4 DPRCH Andrew Stupakivskyy and 35-year-old sergeant civil defense, senior fire 4 Denis -DPRCHRytov. Andrew Stupakivskyy much of his life to fire and rescue. First was a student of Lviv State University life safety, then immediately came to the service of the Kyiv garrison in the fourth fire department and was appointed head of the guard. A 35-Denis richnyyserzhant Rytov the fourth AMPsezhniy of worked 13 years and was a net ’ integral part of his team, professionals. &Ldquo; It is extremely painful to talk about the loss of their colleagues. Primarily difficult to realize that because of the senseless war in the east, orphans are our children. Also hurts to lose their colleagues who died, honestly and sumlinno performing its required ’ Connection and realizing that on their operational action depended on the progress of all fire suppression. They worked at a crucial towards protecting house. However, a tragic coincidence, was near 100-liter canister of gasoline. As a result, there was a strong flash and the collapse of the old structures. This Collectionilshylo access of oxygen in the combustion zone and significantly increased temperature. To survive in such conditions is impossible, despite the fact that rescuers were in the vehicles. These were the guys from 4th fire station from which I began the service in which he worked for much of his life. They were really committed to his last case. Our service expresses soupRI condolences to the relatives of the victims. It is a loss for all our Fire “ family & rdquo ;, - said Sergey Bochkovsky. Video for Media Press office DSNS UkraineSource: