Ivano-Frankivsk, the Office DSNS in the final meeting was held on the results of operational activity for 2 months this year

Indoor Crisis Management Centre in DSNS chaired by Head of Civil Protection Colonel Vladimir Chernetsky held a final meeting on the resultsoperational performance 2 months of the year. The meeting was attended by heads of departments and territorial management DSNS in. First of all, everyone honored the city ’ Five rescuers who died in Kiev in the line of Duty ’ bonds. Further, according to the agenda were presented complementidachiv and held discussions of urgent issues of the Office DSNS in. In particular, discussed the state of readiness of fire-rescue units to respond to emergencies, the state of discipline and legality in units in DSNS in the area, the tasks DSNS Ukraine on issues of monitoring and prevention activelySTI, the state organization of civilian protection area logistical support territorial divisions of the Office. Also during the meeting emphasized the intensification of mass-devel ’ yasnyuvalnoyi, preventive work among the population on life safety to prevent fires and various caseskind of emergency. In fact, statistics show that since the beginning of the year in Ivano-Frankivsk registered 448 fires, fire, killing 9 people. Summarizing the results of the meeting Head of DSNS in Colonel Vladimir Civil Protection Chernetskyy thanked all the good work and emphasized the importance of the consideredDuring the meeting issues and emphasized the observance service personnel safety requirements and safety requirements of current legislation within the sphere of competence of the emergency services and constant readiness to fire and rescue units field for tasks. Management DSNS in

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/