Valery Cow congratulated graduates of Vinnytsia higher vocational school Lviv State University life safety on successful completion of training (+ photos)

Head of Regional State Administration Valery Cow March 5 took part in celebrations to mark the seventh issue of cadets and students taught Higher Professionalment LSU BC in the winery. This year a start in professional life were over 100 graduates of the institution. Addressing a welcoming speech to young professionals, head of the region expressed confidence that this momentous event each of them will be remembered for a lifetime. Thus wished graduates health, confidence and inspiration. "Survived difficult timesis the state, but we understand that we live in a new country. Because the events that take place in the East, touching the heart and soul of every Ukrainian, every patriot. We must build a new state - one that is based on good morals and values ??we call European "- said Valery cow. During the celebrations head Vinnychchygave us individual teachers, civil defense workers Diplomas Regional State Administration and Regional Council and school leadership - a passport to new computer equipment for educational institutions. And after the clergymen of the Temple of Candlemas served molelen thanksgiving and consecration of graduates conducted in 2015year for further service. Celebrations culminated in a joint photo - in memory of a memorable day. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
