In Vinnytsia decentralization of government experience village Rossosh Lypovetskyi area can serve as an example of effective local government activities (+ photos)

This belief expressed by the head of the regional state administration Valery Cow visiting a working trip village Rossosh that Lypovechchyni. As part of his visit, theVinnitsa region visited the local schools and industrial facilities that operate in the area Rossosh. In particular, Valery Cow examined physical infrastructure Rososhanskoho kindergarten and is now being brought up 73 child and visited a local school. And after the visit elevator "Cousteau Agro", which since 2012 operates on the terytoriyi village council and Baking workshop LLC "Prod-language" reading the range of products, technology and production volumes. With the beginning of fiscal decentralization these companies now cover the village budget and thus open up new opportunities for the development of the local community. Seen head oblderzhadministradio was satisfied. "This year is different, but I am impressed by the vision of the leadership of the district and village heads, principals - they look to tomorrow, plan ways to develop specific budgetary institutions - said Valery cow. - Pleasant impression left from visiting and small industrial zone in Rossosh. Such zones in Vinnitsa region is quite a lot, especially in the locations of former sugar factories, road junctions, so this experience is essential. " The head of the region also noted that in the context of decentralization of power, when most of the office will move just at a basic level - local communities,areas, rososhanskyy experience could be useful for other communities Vinnitsa region and serve as an example of effective local government. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
