Local budgets Vinnicchina beginning of the year from taxpayers received more than 366 million. UAH
Compared with the adjusted fact January-February last year, according to PG DFS in Vinnytsia region, revenues increased by 38.4 million. Two months vinnichane paid more than 200 million tax on personal income. Approximately 74 million came from local simplified, particularly from individuals - almost 55 million. USD. More than 60.5 million. USD. taxpayers transferred the land tax. Wholesalers for the right to trade in cigarettes and alcohol have paid half a million, and retailers for their licenses - 2.3 mln. USD. "The stability of the local budget revenues and increasing nokaznykiv, despite the economic crisis in the country? extremely important. This means that local citizens will sustain wages, use of funds for development of the region, to guarantee social benefits vulnerable citizens. Increase in revenue is not possible due to pressure on the business, and theloyal partner and vice versa attitude, legalization of wages, exposing shady schemes of money laundering "? said Head of Research DFS in Vinnitsa region Miroslav Prodan. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/