In Zhytomyr police arrested
burshtynoshukachiv result of two days of massive raids conducted by law enforcement officers in Ovrutskom area was Zhytomyr exposing the illegal production of solar stones and removal of illicit trafficking of firearms and knives. According to the facts started criminal proceedings. The local community Ovruchchynand appealed to the authorities and local government complaining of illegal encroachment underground vydobuvachiv amber in the northern areas of the district. Thus by joint decision of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration and Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the territory Ovruchsky district police conducted a large-scale measures to detect and prevent protypravThey offenses related to illegal mining of mineral resources. About 22 hours March 3 offshore patrol police officers involved in these activities, in a wooded area near a village in the district detained two residents of the city. Zhytomyr, 21 th and 25 years old. It was found that youths using pumps equipped based on GAZ-63, erosionAli soil and thus mined amber. Investigative team Ovruchsky local police precinct, who arrived at the detention, seized a young, except for special equipment, also gained just 200 grams solar stones. Now for this fact started criminal proceedings on st.240 Part 1 (Violation of or use of subsoil)Criminal Code of Ukraine. The next day, March 4, during further testing in the same Settlements police detained another youngster. During the examination of the surface of 24-year-old boy was removed TT pistol filled with 7.62 mm ammunition, and hunting knife with a 30-centimeter blade. At the scene arrivedinvestigative team. Moon was taken to the police station Ovruchsky until all circumstances and origin of seized his weapon, which is aimed at research to Research Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Event details included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations st.263 (illegal handling ofbroyeyu, ammunition and explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Initiation of criminal proceedings. - Currently working Ovruchsky district police raid groups continues. We encourage to join this work and all concerned polesian and report to the police about the appearance of illegal mining in places all sorts of "speculators."For each of these applications is the appropriate response operatives, - said Acting Head of Internal Affairs Zhytomyr Gregory Polkovnikov. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr regionSource: