In the Lviv region Sambir Court ruled on the "visa" rogue

Promising assist women in making a visa to travel to the Czech Republic, the attacker took her all the necessary documents and 3,700 USD. But he told her visa had not produced, and the money spent on their own needs. By Samborskogo city police department last year, turnnulasya local resident who reported that in a fraudulent manner pocketed her money in the amount of 3700 USD. Law enforcement officers found that 55-year-old resident of the woman promised to assist in making a visa to travel to the Czech Republic. The victim gave the man the necessary documents and money in the amount of 3700 USD. But the attacker is not produced visa and moneyspent on their own needs. On this fact police opened criminal proceedings under Part 2 Art.190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Samborskii court sentenced a man and sentenced him to a fine in the amount of 1020 USD. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by Tatiana Ohrimenko materials, Assistant Chief Samborskogo MB
