In the Rivne region information theft

One day the police received 29 reports of theft. Over 26 facts opened criminal proceedings under section 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Some of them are: - The police found that the theft of the economy 47-year-old resident of the village Nevirkiv Koretsky district velocityate 26-year-old victim odnoselets. The attacker, disrupting the castle got into the basement, where conservation stole home. - The police found that the theft of the house of 75-year-old villager plank Ostrog district committed 22-year-old Vladimir. The attacker stole household items. - The police reported 57-year-old resident of RivneSvetlana th district that unknown person commits theft of its economy. An attacker stolen from the yard metal wheelbarrow. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Rivne region
