In Ternopil region police accused of abuse of employees

staff Zalischyky school district police accused of committing misconduct accountant and senior master local vocational schools. For months they have made false entries in the information about the scholarship for one of the students. Thus caused whippedKiv over USD 4 thousand. As the chief of police department Sergei Zalischyky Semenko, the police department staff asked 18-year-old student vocational schools. The guy told me that a long time in school he was not given a scholarship. So he asked the police officers to understand the situation. The police setThat monthly payments instead of getting student master the production process. He worked part time signature guy in information about scholarships and misappropriated other people's money. A few months enriched own pocket over 4 thousand. Will be held accountable and school accountant who helped perform master wrongdoing.It moonlighted documents and has made false information in the statement to pay scholarships. In this incident, investigators have opened criminal proceedings. Accountant of the institution charged with just two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - 191 (misappropriation, embezzlement or taking them through abuse of office) and 366Criminal Code (forgery). Action Wizard qualified under Article 366 of the Criminal Code. Currently, investigators have completed pre-trial investigation. Materials of criminal proceedings to the court. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil region
