In the Lviv region in Striy police caught the attacker, who was involved in the commission of twenty-two thefts of

workers CID Stryisky city police department caught the thief, who is suspected of having committed a series of thefts from cars. Currently, 31-year-old local resident is in custody. He reported on suspicion of committingtwenty-two criminal offenses. During December and during the Christmas holidays to Stryisky city police department received allegations of theft from vehicles. Local residents reported the theft of plastic straps (moldings), and the abduction of units and other things from car interiors. When The investigationbodies of criminal offenses, the police used as measures for disclosure and to prevent such facts. However, while the attacker managed to avoid ambushes and confuse traces. Police recorded thefts in different districts Stryy and resort Morshyn night time. "We received prompt infortion that these thefts may be involved stryyanyn 31-year-old, who has previously been convicted of repeatedly committing crimes selfish and that never works. During the inspection in his house investigators seized stolen items. In deed, he confessed and gave details of a criminal offense. Thus, the cost of stolenlinings of the body one by car varies from one to four thousand, depending on the brand of car. He has also kidnapping units, and other things. In the interior it penetrated by car, zlamuyuchy locks on the door, "- said Deputy Head of Department - Head of Criminal Police Stryisky Gorotdel major MilicaVladimir Petrovsky her. Currently, pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings initiated on the basis of the criminal offenses established ch.2,3 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code Ukraine continues. The attacker threatened punishment of imprisonment for a term of six years. Olga Martsynyuk, Assistant Chief Stryisky MB
