Sports Lviv public demands to prevent the disappearance of the subject " Physical Education " of university curricula

public sports Lviv and PA " Freedom " appealed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to prevent the extinction of the university curriculum subject " Physical Education & quot ;. This isit was February 28, 2015 during a joint meeting of the Chair of physical education and sports clubs managers universities, academies, institutes of Lviv, members of the scientific-methodical commission of physical education, health and sports, sports executive committee of the regional Association of Students " Hart " and Lviv regional branchCommittee for Physical Education and Sport Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Given the complex military-political situation in Ukraine, a key issue that considered at the meeting was the abolition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the order of 09.07.2009 " On the organization of the study of humanities student free choice & quot ;, Wormsm were provided training sessions on physical education in the amount of 4 hours a week. Cancellation of this order has allowed universities to form curriculum, resulting in some schools physical education may disappear as a subject. The meeting decided the name of sports asset Lviv appeal to interested orgAniva public authorities, including the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, asking when approving higher education to obtain a bachelor's degree education from all spetsiyalnostey among graduate competencies expected competence " The ability to use different types and forms of motor activity for recreation and veing a healthy lifestyle & quot ;, as in normative content of education, formulated in terms of learning outcomes, include record: " Knowledge of patterns and features using motor activity to create health. The ability to perform certain types of motor actions for employment by mass sports, health and fitness and physical recreationth. Ability to comply with recommendations on the duration and intensity of motor activity during the week as well as their satisfaction to the physical condition of & quot ;. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv regional organization VO " Freedom "
