Transcarpathia: the head of the village council Khust did not disclose a conflict of interest, and his staff worked part-

Khustsky Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office identified and compiled two reports on corruption of administrative offenses against two officials of the local government area for st.172 Part 1 -4 and st.172-7 CAO. Thus, according to the interdistrict prosecutor Sergei Hust Zovduna: « These administrative violations were found in one of the rural district councils. The actions village head qualified for breach st.172-7 CAO (person failing supervisor in cases stipulated by the law, topatency conflict of interest) and the actions of subordinate person for st.172 Part 1 – 4 CAO (« Infringement individual statutory restrictions on business or other paid work (except for teaching, research and creative activities, medical and judicial practice, practice with instructor Sports »). Hustswhom the district court administrative proceedings brought against local government concurrently with the imposition of an administrative penalty of a fine and forfeiture of earned income from jobs. Protocol on an administrative corruption offense concerning village head sincenahodytsya pending in the District Court Khust Press office of the Prosecutor's Office Transcarpathian region
