A pedestrian crossing, drivers, beware!

State car appeals to drivers: Be careful when driving and pedestrian crossings in areas of possible occurrence of children. The first and most common cause of accidents due to driver error - a violation of traffic rules, which advises drivers when approaching a pedestrian crossing reduceand speed or stop to let pedestrians. Not always adhere to this requirement drivers Regulations. This can be explained their lack navchenistyu and disrespect for pedestrians. Some leaders do not believe members of the movement of pedestrians and passing a pedestrian crossing without reducing speed, hoping that pedestrians have time to cross the road. Andthere are times when the pedestrian did not notice the car and the driver did not have time to slow down and as a result there is an accident. In practice, this is due to the inability to correctly predict developments in areas of high danger with a limited review. State car advises drivers in the entrance to the pedestrian Convode to reduce the speed of your vehicle. It is in order if necessary to stop could your vehicle and avoid hitting a pedestrian. Roman Alexeev, Head VDAI service administrative areas Kitsmansky area at UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/