Zhytomyr, firefighters eliminate fire truck trailer "Reno"

February 28 at 08:49 at the point called ’ communications 17th State Fire and Rescue downtown Olevsk was reported that the 238 km highway Kyiv-Kovel happened fire truck « Reno » trailer. To rescue « 101 » called driver-trucker who while driving noticed that the left side of the trailer by car, which he directs, is a thick black smoke. Upon arrival of the next guard firefighters to the scene found that the truck was carrying about 100 pigs. While driving, the rear left wheel trailer burst bearing on what began its strengthsis friction, and consequently – spontaneous combustion. Efforts DSNS fighters fire was quickly localized and completely eliminated at 10:10. The fire had destroyed only two rear wheel trailer, but, unfortunately, acrid smoke of burning rubber vchadily 14 pigs. The remaining animals were left intact and truck. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/