Plastycheskyy surgeon A. Nature
??????? sozdaet kazhdogo unykalnm man without a mortgage in itself ostalnh podobnh. Sorry, this is not always tvorcheskyy process daet Ideal result mogut sluchatsya Various sboy, the result of human kotorh vneshnost stanovytsya not so Oh and harmonychnoy. In addition, this otmenyal No one yavletion, How differently Rod injuries, a result of injuries cheho consequences mogut put serezny Done aesthetic sostavlyayuschey your vneshnosty. And at first, and into echoed sluchae for recovery normalnoj function Can potrebovatsya Business plastycheskoho surgeon. Case in volume, something bvayut razne situation: in a single sluchae Can potrebovatsya for surgeryrecovery of function normalnoj Or ynoho authorities, and in another - is neobhodimo for recovery mentally equilibrium, uverennosty a and t. n. It should Rosary ponymat, something plastycheskaya Surgery - is dostatochno tonkaya and yuvelyrnaya t many Business, kotoraja trebuet Imperial class Mastery surgeon, bezuprechnh vseh known methods,technology and materials. In Kiev a better IZ specialists in the industry dannoy javljaetsja zavotdelenyem plastycheskoy surgery center "Tsertus" -. Graduate in PSI TIME, Bukovynskoy Medakademyy, today ripened urovnja surgeon of the first category, yavlyayas deystvuyuschym member Vseukraynskoy and mezhdunarodnoy assotsyatsyy plastycheskyh hyrurhov. Professionnalnoe Formation doctor proyshodylo in Bazet hospytalya SBU and the Kiev mountains Hospital 3, where on delal svoy First shahy Under the leadership in plastic optneysheho specialist - Professor AI Poyd Dalnejshem mentors Tymofeya bly not less than mastyte otechestvenne Specialists - VD Pinchuk and Ylchyshyn VA Dalneyshee Improvement in knowledge andvkov proyshodylo in krupneyshyh evropeyskyh profylnh centers in Stockholm, Paris, Munich, Gent. For 12 years work on personally held a morethan 2.5 of thousands udachnh operations in the plastics Faces and chest.Source: