In Ternopil auction will be held for lease rights 151

hectares of agricultural land Land sales, during which the competitive lease rights will be implemented in seven agricultural land state property held in Ternopil region on 27 March. Total area, plots put up for auction - 15163 hectares of land designation - for agricultural commodity production. As trade organization - Department Goszemagentstva in Ternopil region, the lease of each of the sections 7 years. Land located in the territory of a civil, Shveykivskoyi, Dobrovodivskoyi Sadivskoyi and village councils Monastyrysone area. Starting annual lease payments for the use of the areas is 189.8 thousand. UAH. Information about lots indicating the location of each land, its area and cadastral number and starting annual lease payments posted on the website Goszemagentstva Ukraine in "Land sales". AuktsioMr. occur at:. Monastyryska Street. Shevchenko, 19. Participant land sales can be a natural or legal person who filed the performer land auctions necessary documents, paid registration and guarantee fees, registered in the book of registration of participants land sales and according to the law can take ownershipor use of land, which is exposed on land sales. A person who wants to participate in land sales, no later than three working days prior to their implementation takes performer land sales application for participation in land sales and other documents referred to in paragraph seven of Article 137 of the Land Code of Ukraine. For more detailtion of information on land sales in the seven items you can contact the artist land sales Ukrainian land agency Tel. (067) 706-10-85 or department evaluation and land market Goszemagentstva Main Directorate in Ternopil region at m. Ternopil, st. Hrushevskoho 8, tel. (0352) 52-69-59. This flooridomyly Ternopil Regional State Administration
