Pupil of the Lyceum ¹16. Chernihiv took third place in the Ukrainian championship Information Technology

From 18 to 20 February 2015 in the city of Kyiv passed the second stage XIV Ukrainian championship of Information Technology "Ecosoft 2015" national round of the International Competition «Infomatrix 2015" and Ukrainian Festival robots «Robo-ideas-2015".The competition INFOMATRIX 2015 participants competed in the following categories: hardware management programming short film and computer art In the eye round of the competition were invited 95 students from different regions of Ukraine. Pekur Inna, 11 student class information technology lyceum ¹16 city. Chernigov, presented the paper "Postcard" in Mr.inatsiyi "computer art", which was established by means of graphic editor Photoshop. With posters, drawings and presentations took place protection work. After summarizing Inna received a diploma for third place in the nomination "For stylish design and high-quality interface" in the category "Computer Art". Following the National emUBA and jury author project lyceum pupil 16 has the right to represent Ukraine in the final of the International Competition INFOMATRIX 2015, to be held 14-18 May 2015 in Bucharest, Romania. Pekur Inna received an international certificate CERTIFICATE of QUALIFICATION. According to the educational and methodological center of the City Department of Educationfor

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/