The meeting worked out a joint proposal for a new charter school municipal regional council "Ternopil University Hospital"

Regional Council Chairman Basil Hominets held meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council Oleg Boberskyi, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University Hospital, member of the Academic Council Ternopil State Medical University named after. IJ HorbachevsWho Bedenyuka Anatolia, director deprtamenu Health RSA Vladimir smoked, chief physician municipal institution Regional Council "Ternopil University Hospital" Basil Blikhar, Deputy Administrator of the executive office - Head of the Department of property in joint ownership of local communities in the region and naturals resources Vladimir Karpinski, head of the analysis of regional programs and budget Vladimir crested, members of the executive council system. The participants offered the following issues - discussion of the Supervisory Board in 2014 and its work plan for current 2015 year, and to update the Board. Summing upand present stressed the need to raise the role of the Council on the operation of the hospital. The following projects were discussed new charter school municipal regional council "Ternopil University Hospital". Meeting participants were asked to consider a project developed by the Department of Health Administration and other - presented itself Universitytetskoyu hospital. After comparison, comments and suggestions were made present agreed changes to the submitted projects and decided that the Department of Health, including recommendations, will develop a new draft statute communal establishment of the regional council "Ternopil University Hospital" and carry it to the deputies of the regional councilsand. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council
