26 and 27 February movement of the center of Ternopil will be limited to

Thousands of pilgrims and worshipers expect these days in Ternopil. In the Church of the Nativity of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, on the street n, 22, will work around the clock, Primate of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church proschatymutsya Metropolitan Methodius, who died after a serious illness on February 24at 66 years of age. Body Beatitude bring on February 26 at 19.00 in Ternopil. February 27 will be held at 9:00 am Divine Liturgy and funeral. For two days - 26 and 27 February movement Ternopil center will be limited. Law enforcement officials expect a large number of pilgrims who come to Ternopil to say goodbye to the Metropolitan. So these days Milicaionery edge bear service in emergency mode. Increase the number of foot and car patrols, representatives of the State will provide support delegations and columns cars arriving at the funeral. The movement of the main streets of Ternopil will be limited and public transport. Law enforcement officials are turning to residents andGuests regional center to be tolerant and brought up together, do the crowds and not lose vigilance and pay attention to any suspicious objects or persons. In the event of such, notify law enforcement or call the line "102". Call the police and drivers not to park the car in the wrong placetions and in two days the main street to go around. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/