The City Council has allocated additional funds for defense Ternopil

Additional funds for the defense of the city and will provide support ATU members at the next session of the City Council. Appropriate changes to the city budget was approved at a meeting of the executive committee. &Laquo; additionally we allocate funds in the amount of 1.193 million USD, which will spryamoated to provide medical assistance to participants ATO, shelter repair, equipment for roadblocks, the purchase of personal protective equipment repair items territorial defense of the city and to purchase things they need & raquo ;, - says mayor Ternopil Sergei Nadal. By the way, as the regular session of the City Council planuyetsya adopt a comprehensive program of support and rehabilitation participants ATO, which will, among other things, include at providing medical, psychological help soldiers and other social services. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council
