Lutsk teach doctors how to help palliative patients in Lutsk center

primary health care began training for family practice physicians and nurses with basic principles of palliative care. This was reported in the IA ZIK Charitable Foundation « Stoprak & raquo ;. Volunteers pochatkuvaly program that provides a number of seminars lIcarus Volyn on palliative care patients. The first study with the assistance of the Department of Health ’ i of the City Council held a regional center. Head of Health ’ i of the City Council Fedor purse believes that in contrast to other types of assistance, there are problems with palliative, since this type of medical assisgi is not developed. Soon will be approved in Lutsk and palliative care program, it is this will be an important step for the industry. Chief physician BB « Lutsk centers of primary health care » Games Hnetnov contributed to a training seminar held on the basis of its establishment. The doctor said that nowadays you can notallow people to suffer pain, because you can rectify this by using the European experience of palliative care. President of CF « Stoprak » Maria Adamchuk noted that awareness of physicians in certain areas is very important because it affects the patient's life. &Laquo; If a person can not be cured, it does not mean that her districtichoho can be done & raquo ;, – she said. So palliative care is as important as the people have the right to have to not feel pain before death and have proper care. Before doctors and nurses acted as head of training and methodological center and head of the department of palliative consultation outbound Ivano-Frankivsk cellsinichnoho palliative care center Lyudmila Andriyishyn. She said that in the Ivano-Frankivsk hospice has been working for 18 years and a long period of time it is headed. Currently, this area – an example for others, because there developed a network of medical institutions and even visiting team is advising palliative careand patients. The doctor believes that it is now no one should argue that this line of health care should be developed, because everyone deserves proper care and help with pain relief. She delivered a lecture for doctors and nurses to better acquaint the problem and its possible solutions in Ukraine. Similar studies ofbudutsya throughout the year in all regions of Volyn Told
