"Baby" police Volyn help adolescents in choosing future profession
What to do, how to influence people in a few steps to independent living ostupylysya, in conflict with the law? How to convince people that never too late to start a new life? Answers to these questions and are looking for workers divisions criminal Milicaies for children. Therefore, in order to further employment adolescents with IPB, who are registered in the sector of criminal police for children Novovolynsk City Police Department, organized excursion to Novovolynsk Employment Center. During the meeting, a lecture-discussion, during which they spoke, etc.of the profession, taught resume writing, explained about the process of re-registration and registration of citizens seeking work and unemployed, was introduced to the terms and conditions of training and retraining offered at the employment agency. As a result, two teenagers expressed a desire to register with NOVOVOLYNS'KYI City employmentand to be assisted in finding employment. Do not remain aloof and prevent recurrent issue of juvenile crime. So the chief inspector Novovolynsk City unit of the correctional inspection Miroslav Nitkevych and Chief of the Criminal Police Juvenile Novovolynsk MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn Oblastthose police captain Vladimir minor Maurice told about the evasion of duties by the court, the commission of administrative violations and new offenses repeatedly explained the procedure and conditions of serving probation and penalties imposed. Finally distributed to all attractions "Rules healthy lifestyle", "SISNumber of steps conflict resolution "," Plan your job search. " SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region (Based Novovolynsk MB)Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/