In Chernihiv region rescuers conduct explanatory work among fans of winter fishing
With the onset of warming rivers and lakes in the region formed an unstable layer of ice cover. As a result, in the river near Seim. Baturin Bakhmatsky area fell through the ice and drowned 13-year-old boy. In connection ’ connection with this, rescuers StateEmergency Services conducted appropriate preventive Rose ’ yasnyuvalni measures to prevent accidents in the area reservoirs. However, despite the warnings of rescuers, ordinary citizens, especially fishermen, ignore the rules of safe behavior. They overlook the thin ice near gullies without the necessary means to claimoryatunku, thereby exposing themselves to danger. 25 February raid the regional management team DSNS together with the regional media and regional diving rescue service carried Surprise Inspection seats winter fishing on the river Desna. In the course of action to fishermen dovodylysya additand the requirements of safe behavior while on the ice and action to save the drowning. Fishermen employees were given DSNS city ’ monuments and cards for life safety. According to the vast majority of fans of winter fishing, men know how to behave in case of danger, but most of them are carrying elementarnyh means of salvation. Therefore, lifeguards warn fans once again winter fishing, do not go on thin ice and not expose themselves to danger. Follow the advice of rescue and take care of their safety and their children. Management DSNS In Chernihiv RegionSource: