In the Transcarpathian region Berehove police control truants
in conjunction with the Coastal Police Service for Children Beregovo city council went on a raid to verify compliance with local schoolchildren learning process. During testing found 15-year-old is currently not attached to the educational process in zhodit is the schools. This case police have taken control. There are many cases when the students during the training run away from school without permission and without the knowledge of parents and teachers roam the streets. To prevent and fix non-compliance with the students learning process, Beregovsky employees of the criminal police for Children with sluzhboyu for Children Beregovo City Council raided. Law enforcement officers checked the places often become "shelter" for students who decided to absent lessons. Among them - computer clubs and Internet cafes. No child Internet facilities was observed. The fact near one of the participants working computer clubs meta boy aged 15 years. As it turned out, the child is not a single student of the institution, so do not appended to the educational process. This case officers of the criminal police for Children took the control. Law enforcement officers will take all appropriate measures for the speedy response of the child to education. To preventcommit violations of workers and owners of Internet hall, police held a preventive conversation with them. During the call, the police stressed that the facts in the case of multiple children in the institution and in the hours after learning 21yi may be initiated by closing the club for non-computer activities. "We have novazhaty choice of leisure child, but it must be in school time and under the control of parents - said police chief Vasily Beregovo Ryabinchak.- Children - are our future and that of all of us depends on how the future will be. " Information Beregovo District PoliceSource: