At pedestrian crossings Rivne inflicted yellow warning line for the visually impaired

As already noticed equations over the past few days at intersections and pedestrian crossings regional center, in places most crowded, there were yellow rectangular lines, whose purpose is not the end was clear. - These lines -This ground warning signs for the visually impaired. They have the same effect on people who are not totally blind but still have part of the balance and are able to see the bright yellow color - says Deputy Head of Housing Vladimir Lapyuk city. "The initiators of drawing such lines are the representatives of the public organization" Generation USPishnoyi action ", whose members are visually impaired equations", - said the deputy head of the NGO "Successful Action Generation" Victoria Samchuk. Also visually impaired woman spoke from personal experience that these yellow lines may even save lives. - For totally blind, of course, requires tactile tile, such that there is reed. But me, because I have a little more spaceof shock have indeed warn yellow lines. Without them, I tell you, so you can fly. At pedestrian crossings it should be. This was reported in the Rivne City Council
