In Zhytomyr police caught

thieves moped workers Berdichev Gorotdel police detained the two guys who stole a two-wheeled vehicle in kindergarten security guard. To the duty of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Berdichev CF turned 58-year-old local resident reported the kidnapping and instruction. The man said that the works Ojorontsem in preschools and his vehicle always leaves near its entrance. In the morning, after duty, he discovered that the scooter disappeared. Examining the yard and nearby streets, police noticed near the scene of two boys who pushed hard two-wheeled vehicle. Fellows saw policemen castand scooter and tried to escape. However, they quickly caught up. Left them just moped was stolen. The boys were taken to the city police department. It turned out that both - 16-year berdychivlyany. One of them previously held criminally liable for committing a similar offense. Ongoing preliminary inquiry kryminalnohof proceedings initiated under Art. 289 (Illegal appropriation of a vehicle) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The boys could face up to 5 years imprisonment. Berdichevsky MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
