Zhytomyr Region is preparing for the autumn-winter period pozhezhone-safe

on September 29 in Zhytomyr was held an extraordinary meeting of the regional commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies. The main attention focused on the autumn-winter period. Among the n ’ yaty questions that were submitted to the Commission, four bezposeredno Stand ’ related to fire safety. That is why the main speaker of the meeting was the Deputy Head of the Zhytomyr Oblast DSNS Oleg fraudster. He noted that during the autumn-winter period 2014-2015 gg. In 2659 there have been fires. Compared to last year in the residential sector, the number of fires increased by 531. rescuednyky developed a plan of appropriate measures for the preparation of settlements and about ’ objects area for the operation during the autumn-winter period. The plan of action was submitted for approval by the commission. One of the issues raised Oleg fraudster, this existing problem of fire as educational and awareness of employees balesvno fire safety. Specialist of state supervision (control) of the fire, technogenic safety and civil protection, a series of inspections in educational institutions that showed weaknesses in preparation for the new school year. Together with the management institutions were taken all possible measures for speedily eliminating these weeksolikiv, but much remains about ’ objects where fire safety issue is not resolved. - 100 schools in unsecured primary means of fire, 355 educators not have received special training on fire safety, – reported the fraudster. – Violation of fire safety and non prescriptionin administrative proceedings brought 189 managers and other officials. Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, fire prevention funding stops. In the second half of 2014 and the first half of 2015 on fire prevention measures in the field of educational establishments allocated more than 3 million. USD. from budget and extrabudgetaryfunds, representing 12% of the needs. Special attention Representatives Commission on technological-ecological safety and emergency situations paid fire of the markets of Zhytomyr. Overall in the country over the past three years, 380 fires occurred in the markets. As a result, four persons were killed, 12 – injured. Not all leaders conscientiously fulfill the requirements of fire inspectors expose what lJew at risk. In Zhytomyr there are also some disadvantages that you should immediately remove to disaster happened. - Today in the region there are 46 markets and six customized trading platforms, – said Oleg fraudster. – Only 4 trade area subject to high risk. We had them checked and coincidencesovidni recommendations for bringing about these ’ objects in good condition. The most common flaw that found in many markets area – unapproved plan layout of trading places. Oleg fraudster also reported that in some markets there are no fire alarm installation and maintenance is not carried out vohnehasnykiv. After hearing all five made for members of the regional committee considering the proposals and comments made during the discussion, supported the proposed action plan for the preparation of settlements and about ’ objects area for the operation during the autumn-winter period, and adopted all proposals Office DSNS Zhytomyr concerningimprove fire of educational institutions and markets. Control the execution of DSNS assigned to the Office of Zhytomyr region. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/