In Zhytomyr order status to family members of victims of participants ATU

23 September 2015 the government adopted a decree 740 "On approval of the status of persons covered by the Law of Ukraine" On Status of War Veterans, guarantees of their social protection ", some categories of persons. " This resolution provides nadaing appropriate status to family members of the participants of the antiterrorist operations that killed or missing, died as a result of injury, concussion or injury. In particular, this applies to families of fallen members volunteer units that were created or organized themselves to protect the independence, sovereignty and territorial tsilisnosthose of Ukraine, military (reservist military service) and the employees of the Armed Forces, National Guard, Security Service, Foreign Intelligence Service, State Border Service, State Special, military prosecutors military servicemen, commanders, soldiers, employees of the Interior Ministry, the State Guard, Derzhspetszv'yazku, DSNS, DPtS, volunteers and others. This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
