Implementation Vinnichchine policing CBA (+ photos)
Vinnitsa region enter the three pilot regions of Ukraine, which will be introduced new principles of law enforcement, community-oriented. The project will be implemented under the national program of the Association of Ukrainian rights monitoringRights in Law Enforcement "Openness law enforcement." The first step towards further cooperation in the framework of the meeting was chaired by First Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko, heads of law enforcement agencies from the region and representatives of the Association UMDPL International Renaissance Foundation. Calcbnyk and Programme Manager Juliana Shadska introduced two main directions of the program: the right of access to information by law enforcement agencies in Ukraine and introduction in Ukraine policing oriented community. During the business meeting the parties discussed how to combine the efforts and activities of local executiveSecond agencies, local governments, law enforcement agencies and the public (community groups) in the field of public order and security. Police activities focused on community, establishing an effective mechanism involves interaction with the public. According to representatives of the Association UMDPL one such mechanism com Relationsmadskistyu has become "electronic office district inspector." Reforming the service of district inspectors could be an important step in building partnerships and collaboration between police and the people in the community, will improve the quality of communication culture, to establish proper communication, access to information and the credibility of the police work. Therefore, the proposed capital experts investigate how vinnichane perceive local police, to study the needs of citizens, their requirements of public order (problems and possible solutions in collaboration and partnership of police and the public). Also contribute "Cooperation will be to the next - define priority Vinnichchine community. That is,at how the community sees the activities of law enforcement and which should be priorities. And already the end of the year we can go to document developments which may be taken into account in the formation of the Regional Programme to support law enforcement. Also be forming program of public enforcement priorities, the creation of police commissionsand formation policing priorities, community-oriented "- said the representative of the Association UMDPL Vadim Pivovarov. In turn, First Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko assured guests that Vinnichchina now ready to change for the better. "We are ready to change, to rapid change. For this is the perception of both the community andlocal authorities. Of course there Vinnitsa, where all the kernel line, but asked to carry out work throughout the region. In developing the software system "Safe City - mutual responsibility" must take into account the specific areas of the province. All the achievements we can consider forming a regional program to support law enforcement Categoriesand 2016-2020 years. We need to restore the element of trust so that people are not afraid to come to the help of the police "- said Andrew Gyzhko. Overall, the meeting ended with the agreement of further cooperation, particularly in the near future will create a working group and signed a memorandum on cooperation. This was reported in WynneRSA ytskiySource: