Chernigov: City hospital ¹3 received modern ultrasound device

City hospital ¹3 Chernihiv City Council received a modern ultrasound machine. Documents for modern medical equipment Head Physician Viktor medical institutions Angels handed Mayor Alexander Sokolov. He said the upgrade medical equipment in city hospitals is crucial withRight, because timely diagnosis allows to detect the disease at an early stage and successfully treat it. Ultrasound diagnostic system purchased by the city budget. "We try to update equipment and city hospitals are working in this direction", - said O.Sokolov. Thus, in 2014 to Chernihiv City Hospital ¹ 1 ComeBano mammography complex, Chernihiv City Hospital ¹ 2 - mobile X-ray C-diagnostic system, surgical table and resuscitative- surgical Monitors; KLPZ for "Chernihiv City Hospital ¹ 3" - 4 medical beds; Hospital number 4 - X-ray and accessories for it, four medical beds; the hospital - 3 functions maternity beds, laboratory equipment; Child dental clinic - compressor, dental unit was repaired and the room with replacement windows; children's clinic number 1 - a diagnostic ultrasound scanner (ultrasonic device). During 2015 in city hospitals ¹¹ 1,2,3 and the hospital sources added backpower supply. For children's polyclinics ¹¹ 1,2 bought laboratory equipment for the hospital ¹4 specialized medical car "Gazel 5.27" and dental unit for children's dental clinic. In addition, the funds allocated for the purchase of ultrasound equipment for the hospital ¹4. Irina Synelnyk
